Category Archives: Uncategorized

Översättning av hemsida

Ursäkta alla besökare. Just nu arbetar jag med att översätta hemsidan till svenska och för tillfället kan en del länkar leda fel och i värsta fall någon sida visa fel material. Den engelska versionen borde dock fungera som vanligt. Det är bara att välja flagga/språk.

Allt kommer att översättas förutom gammal nyhetsrapportering som kommer leva kvar endast på engelska.


Here’s the stream and below you find the chat for Q&As afterwards. Starts at 17.00 Swedish time. Enjoy!

If something’s wrong with the stream, please try 

For Swedish viewers: dessa filmer är skapade utan något finansiellt stöd. Detta är ett gratisevenemang men om ni vill swisha ett bidrag till vårt filmskapande är det välkommet. 0736 16 19 03

After the screening, feel free to write questions or comments live to Kalle and he will do his best to answer. Use any language you want =).

Live Screening of short films

See film

This Saturday 18/4 at 17.00 (Swedish time) some of my short films will be screened followed by a Q&A session with me at a live online event organised by Jonatan Petré Brixel through Twitch. Here is a direct link.

To be presented is my series of short films We also want to play. Seven mockumentary portraits of people with a dream, one stranger than the other, depicts what loneliness can do to us. All with a large portion of humor.

About the screening: Jonatan is a filmmaker who with colleagues also organise film festivals, there among the Berlin Revolution Film Festival, which this year had to be organised online due to the Corona pandemi. All sessions were streamed live and presented together with Q&As with the filmmakers. It was a success and now following up they have started streaming weekly events and I have now been given the honor to present some of my work.

All films are in Swedish with English subtitles. Lots of dialogue, or rather monologue, so put your glasses on.

The tour goes on

The last couple of months I’ve had the honour to visit three new Filmstudios and three new cities; Falköping, Vänersborg and Sala. Screenings at some of the oldest cinemas in Sweden, and to a great audience.

While I am working on a new film project and a novel these screenings are a nice reminder that the work can bear fruit.


Aim for the climate

Just as it is easy to emit greenhouse gases there are many ways to take actions for the climate. Visit my page “Aim for the climate” to see how I tackle the issue in my professional life, because from now on I will make sure that my filmmaking reduces the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere!

/Karl Sterner Isaksson

Filmstudio tour

The last month there has been three screenings of Not knowing who you are is a beautiful source of surprises. The one in Drömme outside Örnsköldsvik I could not attend to but I did visit the two filmstudios, one in Lysekil and one in Mölnlycke presenting the film to about 400 people and giving Q&A:s and telling our adventurous story about how we made this film possible. And I’ve been overwhelmed by all the smiles and cheerful comments, happy to see that the audience like the film.

Next up is a filmstudio in Norrtälje on the 15th of April.