This Saturday 18/4 at 17.00 (Swedish time) some of my short films will be screened followed by a Q&A session with me at a live online event organised by Jonatan Petré Brixel through Twitch. Here is a direct link.
To be presented is my series of short films We also want to play. Seven mockumentary portraits of people with a dream, one stranger than the other, depicts what loneliness can do to us. All with a large portion of humor.
About the screening: Jonatan is a filmmaker who with colleagues also organise film festivals, there among the Berlin Revolution Film Festival, which this year had to be organised online due to the Corona pandemi. All sessions were streamed live and presented together with Q&As with the filmmakers. It was a success and now following up they have started streaming weekly events and I have now been given the honor to present some of my work.
All films are in Swedish with English subtitles. Lots of dialogue, or rather monologue, so put your glasses on.
Jättekul , själv är jag ganska isolerad. Karin bor hos sin 92-åriga mamma som behöver anhörigstöd. Jag jobbar som distanslärare via Zoom, men vi har påsklov nu så det är kul med ett event.
Segt med isoleringen men hoppas dessa små filmer kan pigga upp =)
Är kortfilmerna tillgängliga för screening nu senare?
Yes, all these short films will be available online soon. We are still to figure out exactly how but this will be cleared within days and information posted here.